Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What does it mean to be American?日本人の意味は?

What's up!

After returning back to the states I was on a train headed back home from NYC and just thinking to myself and I came up with a question. I wanted to ask other people, not only friends but strangers too. I also wanted to ask a variety of people from different places and different backgrounds.

I wanted to ask you:

As an American, what does it mean to be American to you?

およそ1ヶ月半前に日本からアメリカに帰国しました。日本に住んだ2年間で、僕の世界は広がっていきました。色々な世界の人々と会って、個人的な考えや感情と面白い話をして交流しました。 この経験から色々な考えを思い付きました。


As an American, what does it mean to be American to you? 



1 comment:

kazm1n said...

your question is impression on me. and the question is not easy to answer......it let me think much(めっちゃ)
  most of people cant speak other language in Japan, furtheremore they are not interested in even other culture. we are rare, i think. im interested in English and try to undestand English with much effort, so i should have my life connecting with English in the future^^ and i should connect people who are intested in other culture like us with English and Japanese as a parson can speak Japanese. i should do so, and i wanna do so!
im a "parson" can speak Japanese, not just "japanese". the mean to be japanese is to have ability can speak Japanese and to connect people as a japanese^^