Monday, April 09, 2012


You want inspiration, watch this 6 minute video.

Human 2.0


Sunday, March 04, 2012

Revised Self Introduction 改訂された自己紹介

Hello, nice to meet you, my name is Nick. I'm from Maryland and studied abroad at Temple University Japan in 2007. Ever since then I've had a growing interest in Japan. After a semester abroad I returned to my home school and graduated.

After graduating in the summer of 2008, I went back to Japan as an Assistant Language Teacher. I lived in an area called Tochigi Prefecture for about 1 year. I was quite surprised when I first arrived in Tochigi, as it is very different from the image of "Japan" in my mind. Most of my experiences in Japan to that point were in Tokyo, the largest city in Japan. The first couple months in Tochigi were pretty rough. I went there not knowing anyone, and barely understanding the language. Slowly I started making some friends, and in the end Tochigi became somewhat of a home away from home. My contract there ended and I wanted to move to a larger city, so I ended up working for a new company in the center of Osaka. I lived and worked there for about 8 months.

Now I'm working as an Administrative Assistant at a marketing company in DC. I've kept up on my Japanese study and recently passed level N2 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). Even though I've passed, I still don't feel like I know enough. I think no matter how hard I try, my Japanese study will never end.

If you have interest in language learning or language exchange, please send me a message!

Thanks, and have a great day!

こんにちは、そして 初めまして、ニコラスと申します。アメリカのメリーランド出身で、2007に留学生として東京の麻布十番にあるテンプル大学日本キャンパスで四ヶ月勉強しました。そのころから日本に興味がわきました。メリーランドの母校に戻ってきて、卒業しました。



もし語学学習に興味があったら是非メッセージを送ってください。またはLanguage Exchangeをしたいの人も遠慮なく、メッセージを送ってください。
